My journey with you will be tailored to your specific needs and wishes. Every client and every birth is different and my role is to fully support you and help empower yourself in your birth choices and postnatal period. Have a look at my packages and see which one feels right for you.
This journey with you will provide wrap around care for your antenatal, birth and postnatal period. I am committed to you and will fully support you and ensure you feel held during your pregnancy, birth and beyond.
Antenatal Support
3 x 3 hour antenatal sessions.
Covering birth prep, guiding you through any queries/issues that may arise with evidence based research and helping you devise your birth plan(s). Also covering postnatal planning and working through what the support will look like for yourself and your baby.
We will also discuss how I can practically support you in your postnatal session.
A "Hypnobirthing Masterclass" if you need one.
Rebozo techniques using Bio-mechanics to help with pregnancy relaxation, optimal baby positioning and labour relief.
Support and information for your partner(s) if you have one.
Free use of my birth pool should you wish.
Access to my lending library.
Access to anything you wish from the Practical Doula Shop.
Ongoing support via email, phone WhatsApp.
(Lots of opportunity for coffee and cake to keep getting to know each other!)
Birth Support
I go on call 24/7 from 38 weeks until your birth, phone on loud, not booking anything else in, all childcare arranged, not traveling too far away from where you are based.
I will be at your side to physically and emotionally support you and your partner (if you have one) whenever and wherever you need me.
Support your partner (if you have one) to provide the most effective physical support and breathing techniques from what we have practiced antenatally.
I can set up the birthing environment in accordance with your birth plan
I will protect your birth space and can act as your advocate and buffer between you and your health care professionals.
Remind you of your power.
Support with breastfeeding should you chose to.
Stay with you until you are all tucked up in bed and happy for me to leave you to it.
Postnatal Support
1 x 3 hour postnatal session during your first two weeks.
I will arrive with food, make you a drink, create space and provide a listening ear for you to talk through your birth experience.
Signpost you to any relevant agencies/books you may need.
Support you with breastfeeding should you choose to.
Practically support you in any way that you need (this will have been discussed in our antenatal session).
Ongoing support via email, phone or WhatsApp.
If you wish to book me for more postnatal care please see below for what that can look like for you.
A Doula in your pocket, someone experienced and independent on the end of the phone at any time. Someone who has built a relationship with you, knows your wishes and can provide evidence based support and guidance to help you on your journey.
Antenatal Support
Immediate support and evidence based guidance via email or text from the moment you book right through until 6 weeks postpartum.
​3 x 2 hour antenatal sessions via zoom
Covering birth prep, guiding you through any queries/issues that may arise with evidence based research and helping you devise your birth plan(s). Also covering postnatal planning and working through what the support will look like for yourself and your baby.
A "Hypnobirthing Masterclass" if you need one.
Rebozo techniques using Bio-mechanics to help with pregnancy relaxation, optimal baby positioning and labour relief.
Support and information for your partner(s) if you have one.
Access to anything you wish from the Practical Doula Shop.
Ongoing support via email, phone WhatsApp.
(Lots of opportunity for coffee and cake to keep getting to know each other!)
Birth Support
I go on call 24/7 from 38 weeks until your birth.
I will be virtually by your side to emotionally support you and your partner (if you have one) via phone, text or video call for as much as you require.
Support your partner (if you have one) to provide the most effective physical support and breathing techniques from what we have practiced in our antenatal sessions.
Act as your advocate and help with any queries that may arise.
Remind you of your power.
Postnatal Support
2 x 1.5 hour postnatal sessions via video call/Zoom to use when you need within the first 6 weeks postpartum.
I will create space and provide a listening ear for you to talk through your birth experience.
Signpost you to any relevant agencies/books you may need.
Virtually Support you with breastfeeding should you choose to.
Ongoing support via email or text until 6 weeks postpartum .
If you are within the area I cover and wish to book me for more in person postnatal care please see below for what that can look like for you.
Holding you whilst you hold your baby. Having a baby is a big transition. My postnatal support package helps to ease that transition by offering practical, emotional and informative support for as long as you need it. Supporting the whole family and ensuring your needs are met.
Your postnatal care can look like, but is not limited to...
Creating space and provide a listening ear for you to talk through your birth experience.
Light house work, washing, ironing, kitchen cleaning etc
Food prep and constant beverages brought to you.
Holding the baby whilst you focus yourself/spend time with siblings.
Support with older siblings and/or pets so you can focus on your baby.
Signposting/accompanying you to relevant agencies, baby groups, baby clinics. breast feeding groups, sling libraries etc.
Feeding support (breast, bottle or both).​
Helping to explore and answer any questions you may have and help you to understand your baby’s needs.
Shop and Post Office runs.
"Mothers need just as much attention as a newborn, because they too have just been born"
Feeling overwhelmed? Need some evidence based information? Need someone impartial and experienced to talk through your options? Or maybe you just need a pep talk to remind you of your power and know that "You've got this".
Navigating your way through the maternity system can feel overwhelming.
This 1-1 Power Hour can be held over the phone or Zoom and is designed to give you space and time to discuss your options and access the information you need to make informed choices that feel right for you.
It will be completely tailored to your needs and can relate to any point of your pregnancy, birth or postnatal journey. Leaving you feeling heard, calmer and more informed and prepared.
Have you been labeled "high risk" and want to explore your rights and options?
Need help writing an effective birth plan?
Feeling anxious about your birth and need a pep talk?
Need a debrief after an antenatal appointment or need to get forearmed?
Maybe you're a birth partner who needs some reassurance and tips on how to support.
Maybe you need help with designing an effective postnatal plan to help feel more prepared for the first few weeks of parenthood.
Whatever your needs are I can offer impartial and confidential support for any type of birth or postnatal period. Partners or other family members also welcome should you wish!
Feel free to get in touch prior to the session, drop me a message outlining what you would like to talk about so I can prepare in advance. Then following our time together, you will receive relevant articles and resources to aid you in the rest of your journey.